Everyone wants a set of pearly white teeth, but over time teeth become yellow. Here's how you can restore your teeth to their former glory.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Natural Teeth Whitening

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It is possible to whiten teeth without using chemicals. Here are some natural tooth whitening ideas. 

Teeth whitening is something that many people want to have done at one point or another. The problem with this is that most whitening solutions involve gels and other items that can cause some discomfort, and can also be quite expensive. Below are some natural teeth whitening options that anyone can do from home on their own without the use of chemicals, gels or other expensive treatments.

Eating the right foods can help teeth to naturally become more white. One of the most popular food choices to brighten teeth is strawberries. Not only are they delicious, but they contain vitamin C and an astringent. Vitamin C naturally helps to fight plaque while the astringent found within strawberries helps to diminish the stains that are often found on the surface of teeth.

Apples are another food item that can work well as a natural teeth whitening solution. Apples have been called "nature's toothbrush" because of their ability to naturally clean teeth. All that people need to do is eat an apple and the whitening action takes care of itself. Malic acid is also found in apples, which is something that is actually used in many teeth whitening gels and kits. This type of acid aids in the clearing up of surface stains on teeth.

There are many different types of home remedies for teeth whitening, all of which use every day items that can be easily found within a home. Arguably the most popular of these home remedies is the use of simple baking soda and lemon juice for teeth whitening. The two items are mixed together, and then applied to the teeth for a few minutes. Something as simple as this can have show great results over time if done consistently.

Brushing and different whitening toothpastes can only do so much, so it is important for people to understand these natural teeth whitening solutions if they do not want to use painful or expensive whitening options. Using a blend of these different natural remedies will result in a much brighter smile over time without the need for gels, visits to the dentist or expensive whitening kits.

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