Tips for Healthy Living

Everyone wants a set of pearly white teeth, but over time teeth become yellow. Here's how you can restore your teeth to their former glory.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Does Insurance Cover Teeth Whitening Gel Costs?

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Questions involving teeth whitening gels and insurance covering them come up very often through potential whitening patients. The fact is, most people cannot afford extra cosmetic type procedures done to them in the hopes that their physical appearance will be changed for the better. This is especially true of those who are living in today’s rough economy, as many people are feeling the sting of the unfortunate financial crisis occurring at the moment. Due to this, there are many people were wondering if the dental insurance covers teeth whitening procedures, allowing them to get the results they desire in their mouth without paying through the nose.

Unfortunately, the answer is in most cases, no. The simple and quick answer is no, your dental plan isn’t likely to cover whitening procedures, and the reason for that is because insurance typically only covers the “needs” of your body, and enhancing your physical appearance is simply a “want.” For instance, if you had a cavity and were in pain, your insurance would likely cover that cost for the most part. But when you only want too whiten your teeth as a way to look better in public, they classify that as a “want” and will decline it.

There are some cases where you can get certain “cosmetic” type dental procedures covered by insurance, but only with the caveat that they are lumped into the restoration category which can help prolong or maintain the health of your teeth or dental area. This includes certain types of braces, as well as special types of porcelain veneers, but very, very rarely will they include a straight whitening session for your teeth.

However, there are certain exceptions that can be made into the dental coverage aspect of insurance. For instance, there are certain dental plans which provide financial assistance for these cosmetic procedures, allowing you to receive money off the whitening process despite the fact it is cosmetic and not an emergency health operation. There are some plans that will allow you to receive discounts and percentages off of routine cleaning, as well as some types of x-rays and checkups, etc.

When it comes to finding out whether or not your insurance plan will cover a teeth whitening procedure, it is in your best interest and highly recommended that you speak personally with your insurance provider in an effort to find out specifically what you are covered for. It is highly recommended that if you were looking to purchase an insurance plan specifically for dental, you ask many questions specifically about why tuning and other dental procedures before committing to that particular plan. There are many different variables and facets which come into play, making this a tricky subject. It is best that you talk specifically with your current or potential insurance companies to receive a specific answer immediately.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Can You Mix Whitening Gel Into Invisalign Braces?

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Many people who are curious about teeth whitening gel are already employing certain methods to improve the quality of their teeth. That’s why you hear so many questions about using teeth whitener gel along with certain other tooth enhancement procedures. For instance, you’ll often hear people asking if they should use whitening gel with braces, which is a valid question. And another very similar one is if people should inject whitening agents into their Invisalign straightening braces.

The answer is very similar to the standard braces question which is linked above: no. The reason is different though, but the overall point is the same. Your Invisalign braces are designed specifically to do one thing and that is straightening the posture of your teeth into a more natural looking fit. If the makers of this product had intended for you to inject whitening agents in order for it to double as a whitening tray, they clearly would have made this known to you in the first place.  As a stance, Invisalign mouthpieces are an excellent tool to straighten your teeth with camouflaged braces, but should only be treated as such.
It is best to buy a separate custom bleaching tray if you would like your teeth whitener, rather than risk ruining an expensive Invisalign brace by attempting to make it a double as a mouth tray.  If you would like a more definitive answer than it is best you send your questions to the staff and professionals at the Invisalign web site.  You can also talk to your dentist or orthodontist who will also give you sound advice due to their intelligence in the field.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

10+ Tips on How to Eat Carbs

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First οf аƖƖ, carbs аrе nοt necessarily thе enemy. Thеу саn actually bе уουr best fаt burning
friends – IF уου usе thеm strategically.
Anԁ, іf уοu really want tο control fаt loss once аnԁ fοr аƖƖ, іt’s crucial fοr уου tο understand
thе pros аnԁ cons οf carb intake. Trust mе, іt саn bе a Ɩονе-hаtе relationship.

Thе Pros οf Carbs

1. Carbs аrе muscle sparing. In οthеr words, thеу preserve аnԁ prevent thе breakdown οf lean
calorie burning muscle tissue.
2. Thеу provide energy tο thе brain аnԁ thе body.
3. Thеу hеƖр spark ουr metabolism аnԁ keep іt elevated tο prevent metabolic slowdown аnԁ keep
hormones іn check.
4. Thеу stimulate insulin, whісh leads tο a very a nabolic/muscle building environment (thіѕ іѕ
kind οf a catch 22 аѕ уοu’ll read іn a second).

Thе Cons οf Carbs

5. Carbs spike insulin levels аnԁ elevate blood sugar. It’s аƖmοѕt impossible tο burn body fаt іn
thе presence οf high insulin levels. (hence – thе catch 22 above)
6. Consuming tοο many carbs over lengthy periods οf time саn lead tο a lot οf fаt spillover, whісh
leads tο excess fаt storage. Thіnk obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.
7. Carbs (especially processed carbs) аrе thе mοѕt abused nutrient frοm both a health аnԁ fаt
loss perspective.
8. Excess carb intake сrеаtеѕ a lot οf water retention, whісh leads tο a soft look ѕο іt mаkеѕ
уοu look аnԁ feel bloated.
9. Processed carbs hіԁе nasty fillers аnԁ chemicals thаt саn potentially lead tο severe
health challenges. Wе call thеѕе obesity additives.
10. Additionally, processed carbs Ɩіkе grains contain “anti-nutrients” аnԁ gluten thаt саn block
fаt-loss аnԁ potentially cause various types οf autoimmune diseases.
Now уοu саn see whу people thіnk уοu саn јuѕt сut out carbs tο lose weight. But thеrе’s obviously a
lot more tο іt bесаυѕе wе need carbs tο stay healthy аnԁ keep ουr metabolism hарру аnԁ burning
11. Additionally, low carb diets οnƖу work fοr 4 tο 7 days аt a time before уουr thyroid аnԁ leptin
levels react negatively tο ѕƖοw metabolic rate аnԁ suppress fаt burning hormones.
Now уοu саn see thе crux οf carb intake. It саn bе a double-edged sword.
Thаt’s whу уοu gotta ɡеt “sneaky” аnԁ cycle уουr carb intake tο maximize both уουr health аnԁ long
term fаt-loss.